Thursday, July 9, 2009

Regarding Filling the Application Form:

They will ask to Fill an Application Form before the commencement of the Examination which consists of 4 pages and regarding our personal details, like
- Date, Place of Birth
- Blood Group
- Allergies
- Last Major illness / Surgery with specific date
- Eye Vision
- Parent's Details
- Passport Details (If not having, no problem)
- Educational Details along with % (from SSC to PG)
- Languages Known
- Previous Working Details (If Experienced)
- Two Reference's Addresses & Details like Email, Ph no. (can give our HOD's or lecturers Details) for the Verification purpose
- Two Infosys employees details (if known any body)
- Whether appeared for Infosys or Progeon (Sister concern of Infosys) previously
- Educational Achievements like Scholarships, prizes
- Extra currical Activities & Achievements

- Etc., and some more details I think so.

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